Tel: (718) 654-5875
We are happy to announce that we are open for visitation! Please be aware that the NYS Department of Health is requiring that all visitors have a recent COVID test, within 24-48 hours. If you are not able to get tested before coming, we are happy to accommodate you by testing here, but please allow extra time for this.​
Please see below for what to expect when you come to visit, as well as our full visitation plan. The Department of Health has issued strict guidelines which must be adhered to in order for us to allow continued visits.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (718) 654-5875, Ext. 103.
If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.
Shmuel Berger,
What to expect when visiting Laconia Nursing Home
Visitors are screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 prior to resident access.
Screening shall consist of both temperature checks and asking screening questions to assess potential exposure to COVID-19 which may include questions regarding international travel or travel to other states designated under the Commissioner’s travel advisory.
Documentation must include the following for each visitor to the nursing home: first and last name of the visitor; physical (street) address of the visitor; daytime and evening telephone number; date and time of visit; and email address, if available.
Visitors should maintain social distancing (6 feet apart), except when assisting with wheelchair mobility. If both visitor and resident are vaccinated, they may have close contact, including hugging and kissing. If they are not vaccinated, they may choose to have close contact, but please be aware of the risks of such contact.
Visitors must wear a face mask or face covering which covers both the nose and mouth at all times when on the premises of the NH/ACF’s.
Visitation is preferred to in outdoor areas, weather permitting. Visitation can be inside, in a space allowing for appropriate social distancing and wearing a facemask or face covering while in the presence of others.
Facilities will provide alcohol-based hand rub, consisting of at least 60 percent (60%) alcohol, to residents, visitors and representatives of the long-term care ombudsman prior to visiting the residents. Rub hands together using friction.
Visitation Plan
Visitation Plan
Policy Statement
Laconia Nursing Home will strive to minimize social isolation while controlling visitation during a catastrophic event such as a pandemic or natural disaster. Our facility will follow guidance issued from the CDC, local Department of Health, and CMS while putting in place protocols to minimize social isolation.
Policy Interpretation and Implementation
We recognize the dangers of social isolation especially during times of a catastrophic event and the critical need for the resident to maintain contact with family, friends, loved ones, representatives from the long-term ombudsman program, and resident advocacy organizations. Therefore, in addition to assisting residents and families with communication via phone, email or video chat, we will also make visitation available utilizing primarily our backyard patio area, as well as our main dining room. Other areas may be utilized as appropriate and necessary. All visits are weather permitting and at the discretion of Administration.
Staff may be present throughout the entire visit to monitor compliance with procedures and assist the resident if needed.
Staff will wear a face mask covering nose and mouth at all times.
Staff will avoid close contact with the visitors.
Staff will sanitize the resident’s hands and area before and after each visit.
Once the resident has left the area, staff will sanitize the resident and visitor touch points using EPA- approved disinfectant.
If the visit takes place in the resident’s room, some of these may not apply.
The resident has the right to refuse the visit.
Current COVID-19 positive residents, residents with COVID-19 signs or symptoms and residents in a 14-day quarantine or observation period may not be eligible for visits, or the visitor should be aware of the risks of such a visit.
The resident will wear a face mask, if tolerated, during transport to and from the visitation station, and during the visitation
The resident will sanitize their hands before and after the visit.
The resident will be transported out of the visitation station immediately after the visit, if applicable.
Visitors are to sanitize their hands before and after the visit.
Visitors are to wear a face mask at all times, covering both mouth and nose, unless vaccinated and not around other residents or staff
Visitors will be screened for temperature and complete mandated form.
Visitors that are not within screening guidelines will NOT be permitted to enter facility.
Visitors will be provided with 60% based alcohol hand rub.
Visitors are to leave the facility immediately at the end of their visit.
Facility will post signage reminding visitors to wear a mask and practice proper hand hygiene.
Staff will make every effort to accommodate visits, as well as special visits from out of town visitors, special occasions, etc.